Roof Snow Removal Available
Excessive snow removal on roof estimates given depending on depth of snow accumulation.

Are you tired of snow plow trucks:
- Damaging your driveway, the yard, lawn hitting corners of buildings, smashing flowerpots!?
- Burying your mailbox, fire number and piling up snow against doors and windows!?
- Does the first plow of the season look ugly mixed with dirt and leaves?
- Are the plow piles at the end of your driveway dangerously blocking your view of on coming street traffic?
- Did your plow service throw in the towel last winter because of too much snow to push?

Snow blowing benefits:
- Plow trucks scratch driveways and scrape up gravel, sand and lawns. SNOW BLOWERS gently remove snow from any surface or be calibrated for base for snowmobile traffic.
- Snow removal from pedestrian walkways of you choice to maintain access to doors, garages, firewood and even the ott house.
- Hand shovel along car garage door and service door.
- Remove snow around fire number and mail box so you can be found.
- Remove blind spot snow piles at the driveway so you see fast moving snowmobiles, joggers and cars.
- Snow Blowers have NO LIMITS... NONE
- Owner operator John will perform the work and will NOT be subcontracting the job out to a third party πΊπΈ.
- Worker comp and general liability certificate available.