Questions about tree removal services?
Our knowledge in tree services comes from over 31 years experience in tree removal, trimming, stump grinding, tree planting and landscape services. We can answer any question about tree services.

About Eager Beaver Tree & Stump services
We are heavily invested in our business to deliver the best experience for our customers. Our equipment is the best in the industry which means you will have the best tree removal service available.
Tree removal is our passion! We aim to exceed the needs and expectations of our customers and we have the resources and experience to deliver on our promise to perform.
We promise to safely remove any tree from your property, being extra cautious about underground utilities, sprinkler systems, power lines, fencing and of course homes and vehicles.

introducing The Tree Mek automated robotic power
We are the only tree removal company in Wisconsin to introduce this revolutionary system for safe tree removal services. For the first time, tall and hard to reach trees can be safely accessed, cut or trimmed and removed. No person is required to climb tall and dangerous trees. It's all done with robotics.

powerful grip and cutting feel the power
The claw section of this mega machine is powerful and efficient, able to reach 102 feet, securing the tree in its powerful robotic rotating grip and slicing through with a built in cutting system. The tree branches or trunk pieces are then safely moved and brought securely to the ground. When cutting is finished, all pieces are removed with the claw into our hauler.

automated robotic Tree Removal easy and powerful
See it in action. This new machine is changing how tree service is done. Every year people are seriously hurt trying to remove trees or branches, properties are damaged and some people die. With the New Tree Mek, it is all about safety. You do not need to risk your life or your property, just simply call us.
modern tree removal system
This is the future. Gone are the days of needing to risk climbing tall and dangerous trees, cutting down section at a time, dropping each to the ground below. Our state-of-the-art heavy equipment safely removes any tree section by section, securely bringing large branches to the ground.
we are equipped to safely handle any project
After 31 years of experience, we developed the best solutions for safe and cost effective tree removal, tree trimming and stump grinding services. As a one stop full service company, we offer our customers land clearing, grading, landscaping and tree planting.